Parenting Goals *************** **Summary** The questions on parenting goals were taken from Kohn (1977). The 18 items can be combined into two scales: “autonomy” and “conformity.” Parenting goals have been measured in the SOEP since 2010 in the questionnaire for parents of children between the ages of 7 and 8. **Theoretical Background** Kohn (1977) found an association between parenting goals (conformity and autonomy) and the parents’ social class: Working-class parents emphasized discipline, manners, cleanliness, good behavior in school, honesty, and obedience, whereas middle-class parents emphasized consideration, interest in why and how things happen, responsibility, and self-control. This suggests that lower-class parents place more value on conformity and higher-class parents place more value on personal autonomy. The different values of parents from different social classes regarding childrearing are transferred to their children through their own behavior and shape their children’s social character. **Scale Development** The scale measuring parenting goals was taken from the German General Social Survey (ALLBUS). Further information on the scale can be found in Terwey (2000). **References** *Kohn, M. (1977). Class and conformity: A study in values. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.* *Terwey, M. (2000). ALLBUS: A German General Social Survey. Schmollers Jahrbuch, 120, 151-158.* **Items** In the following, we will list a few traits and abilities that parents can foster in their children through their approach to parenting. How important do you consider the following parenting goals? That the child... (Im Folgenden werden einige Eigenschaften und Fähigkeiten genannt, die man durch Erziehung fördern kann. Für wie wichtig halten Sie persönlich die folgenden Erziehungsziele? Dass das Kind...) Autonomy / Selbstständigkeit 1. Is interested in how and why things happen (sich dafür interessiert, wie und warum bestimmte Dinge passieren) 2. Is honest (ehrlich ist) 3. Is responsible (verantwortungsbewusst ist) 4. Has good judgment (ein gutes Urteilsvermögen besitzt) 5. Strives to achieve his/her goals (sich bemüht, seine Ziele zu erreichen) 6. Learns to overcome obstacles in life (lernt, sich im Leben auch gegen Widerstände durchzusetzen). Scale: 1 (Not at all important / Überhaupt nicht wichtig) to 5 (Very important / Sehr wichtig) Obedience / Conformity (Gehorsam / Konformität) 1. Is good in school (ein guter Schüler wird) 2. Gets along with other children (sich gut mit anderen Kindern versteht) 3. Behaves like normal girl/boy (sich wie ein normales Mädchen bzw. wie ein normaler Junge verhält) 4. Has good manners (gute Umgangsformen hat) 5. Has good self-control (Selbstbeherrschung besitzt) 6. Is considerate of others (auf andere Rücksicht nimmt) 7. Obeys his/her parents (seinen Eltern gehorcht) 8. Is neat and clean (ordentlich und sauber ist) 9. Fits in well in groups (sich gut in Gruppen einfügen kann) 10. Is satisfied with his/her own abilities (zufrieden mit dem ist, was es hat und kann) 11. Learns to avoid risks in life (lernt, Risiken im Leben zu meiden) 12. Is liked by others, friendly (von anderen gemocht wird, liebenswert ist) Scale: 1 (not at all important / überhaupt nicht wichtig) to 5 (very important / sehr wichtig) **Items and Scale Statistics** .. csv-table:: :file: csv/15_parentinggoals.csv :header-rows: 1 :class: longtable :widths: 2 2 2 1 1 2 1